Bosses love initiative; they value workers who propose new ideas, challenge the status quo, and reach out to new employees and clients. But initiative is hard! And it can be tiring!
For one week each month, be a superstar. Pick a week when it really counts and devote yourself entirely to the job. If your standard week is 40 hours, make it 60. If your standard week is 60, make it 80. Don’t grumble about working so much; you have the rest of the month for work-life balance. During this week, embrace your job and be a superstar.
This strategy: (1) gives you a chance to be extra productive, increase your visibility, and over-deliver on your work, and (2) teaches you how to handle tough weeks at work, which is a valuable skill to have when it really counts.
Then, after your Herculean week, spend the rest of the month enjoying hobbies, relaxing, and achieving that coveted work-life balance.