As a working professional, you will quickly learn that your energy
is the most important limited commodity you have. For every
activity you take on, less energy remains for other activities. Since
you only have so much energy, make sure you are allocating your
energy effectively every day.
![Jim looking at his Energy Allocation List](
Keep an active energy allocation list. Number it from 1 to 5.
Write down the five areas at work that are your current focus. Do
not make it longer than five items or you will be stretched too
thin and lose focus. Review the list every week to make sure your
efforts are aligned with these objectives.
Keep a similar energy allocation list for your broader life. Put your
job as one of the five items on the list. If you have a significant
other, or kids, add them to the list. Other ideas for energy
allocation might include: personal fitness, hobbies, studying for a
professional exam, graduate school, or building a side business.