In this era of digital dependence and communication bombardment, it is tempting to check your phone or computer every time a message appears in your inbox. But during meetings with others, squash this … [Read More...] about Really Listen
Main Content

Embrace Headers and Topic Sentences
Use headers and topic sentences to emphasize your main ideas. Readers should be able to scan your email, memorandum, or book, and understand the main … [Read More...] about Embrace Headers and Topic Sentences

Pursue Forward Relentless Motion
One of the most important goals in a professional environment is to make tangible work progress every day. We call this: GOOD FORM = GOOD FOrward … [Read More...] about Pursue Forward Relentless Motion

Outsource It!
Choose one time-consuming, non-work activity in your life and outsource it. Think of things that you can realistically outsource, such as washing … [Read More...] about Outsource It!

Send Strategic Emails
When working long hours, send a strategic email after you complete a significant amount of work. If you stay at the office until 11pm, send an email … [Read More...] about Send Strategic Emails

Stay an Extra 15 Minutes
If you are like most new employees, you can't wait to get off work. You've worked hard all day, and you are eager to get to the gym, to happy hour, or … [Read More...] about Stay an Extra 15 Minutes

Flash Card your Colleagues
Before your first day at a new job, go out and buy a stack of index cards. During your first two weeks at work, take some time every day to stop by … [Read More...] about Flash Card your Colleagues

Respond Immediately to Emails from VIPs
With the prevalence of mobile devices and Internet connectivity, bosses and clients have come to expect immediate responses from their best workers. … [Read More...] about Respond Immediately to Emails from VIPs

Keep an Energy Allocation List
As a working professional, you will quickly learn that your energy is the most important limited commodity you have. For every activity you take on, … [Read More...] about Keep an Energy Allocation List

Follow a Friday Meeting with Monday Results
Use this strategy to increase your visibility and reputation. Wait for a work assignment that emerges on a Friday afternoon. It might have a … [Read More...] about Follow a Friday Meeting with Monday Results

Really Read
Reading is a more difficult skill than most people realize, especially in today’s world of constant interruptions and micro-text communications. While … [Read More...] about Really Read

Invest in Quality Workplace Clothing
Investing in quality workplace clothing is one of the best initial investments you can make in your professional career. Do not buy cheap … [Read More...] about Invest in Quality Workplace Clothing

Learn To Write
Writing is the single most important skill you can develop to succeed in the workplace. Whether you are an architect, a rocket scientist, an … [Read More...] about Learn To Write

Find A Senior Mentor Outside Your Company
Many career development books suggest participating in company-sponsored mentoring programs. While participation in these programs can help skill … [Read More...] about Find A Senior Mentor Outside Your Company

Buy A Candy Dispenser
In real estate investing, there’s a mantra associated with success: “Location! Location! Location!” As a new employee, a mantra also exists: … [Read More...] about Buy A Candy Dispenser

Be A Superstar One Week Per Month
Bosses love initiative; they value workers who propose new ideas, challenge the status quo, and reach out to new employees and clients. But … [Read More...] about Be A Superstar One Week Per Month

Take A Long Lunch
Consider taking regularly scheduled long lunches and use the time to build your career. We call this the LUNCH CRUNCH. Just like crunches tone your … [Read More...] about Take A Long Lunch

Formal Fridays
Colleagues notice how you dress. Dressing professionally in the workplace shows others you are serious about your career. Wearing jeans and a … [Read More...] about Formal Fridays