When working long hours, send a strategic email after you complete a significant amount of work. If you stay at the office until 11pm, send an email to the team with a project status update. If you wake up at 5:30am and respond to a client email, copy your boss. We call this the STRATEGIC EMAIL.
Here are the benefits: First, you let co-workers know you are dedicating extra hours to move projects forward and ensure company success. Second, you create an irregular work schedule, so no one questions you when you have occasional commitments during the workday. Third, you indicate to others that you are available when needed and will do whatever it takes to get the job done.
Take this strategy one step further: Send an email at 11pm and send a follow-up email with additional ideas, results, status, etc. at 6am. It shows others that you are a warrior and you would never let sleep get in the way of a successful career! Important: Don’t do this every night. Sleep matters! But occasionally, it’s valuable to remind others you are invincible.