Choose one time-consuming, non-work activity in your life and outsource it. Think of things that you can realistically outsource, such as washing clothes, cutting the grass, cleaning the house, or preparing meals. Commit to focusing that recaptured free time on your … [Read more...] about Outsource It!
Formal Fridays
Stay an Extra 15 Minutes
If you are like most new employees, you can't wait to get off work. You've worked hard all day, and you are eager to get to the gym, to happy hour, or to see your significant other. But resist the urge to leave at the closing whistle. Stay an extra 15 … [Read more...] about Stay an Extra 15 Minutes
Flash Card your Colleagues
Before your first day at a new job, go out and buy a stack of index cards. During your first two weeks at work, take some time every day to stop by and introduce yourself to your core set of colleagues and management. Spend no more than ten minutes meeting with each … [Read more...] about Flash Card your Colleagues
Respond Immediately to Emails from VIPs
With the prevalence of mobile devices and Internet connectivity, bosses and clients have come to expect immediate responses from their best workers. When your VIP—your boss, client, or co-worker who controls the information flow—sends you an email, you must respond … [Read more...] about Respond Immediately to Emails from VIPs